05 June 2012

{thick as theives}

Thursday, April 5

Happy Holy Thursday! Worked all morning to put up another house but this afternoon we were given the day off. Aunt Linda and I decided to walk to a nearby street market to browse for some gifts to bring home.

The market had everything; fruit, veggies, food, clothes, shoes, jewelry. We were having a great time walking around and experiencing the culture.  Linda had just bought a pair of shoes, and we started walking again, our phones out, snapping photos. Out of nowhere I hear Linda (who's about 6 feet behind me) screaming her head off! "STOP HIM! MY PHONE! MY PHONE!"

A boy not too older than me bolts out from behind a cart with Linda's phone in hand. I tried running after him, but he darted into a dark alleyway and I knew I was in no way capable of catching him. I felt so bad for Linda!  We walked straight back to the church and got in contact with our family to make sure her service got turned off. Thankfully she had an app set up that wirelessly transferred her pictures to her home computer, so not much was lost.

The rest of the day was good. Mass, dinner, and of course another round of hootin' and hollerin' til 3am.

I can't tell you how much I would love to do this for the rest of my life! I've been here for 4 days and feel as though I've known this group for years. I'm making such great friendships that I know will last for much longer than the time we're together here. A life of service is an amazing and fulfilling experience. I can't wait to keep it up!

Dios te bendiga :)

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