10 June 2012


Saturday, April 7

Happy Easter! I just got back from the most beautiful candlelight vigil. I can't believe this was my last day in Piura. It went by so fast!

Yesterday was amazing. We put on a Passion play, but this wasn't your regular old play that you'd see at Holy Friday's mass. This was a real life reenactment of the event. Over a thousand people showed up to watch Jesus' passion. Live horses, soldiers, the women in mourning. The cast must have been made up of at lease 80 people in itself! I truly felt like I was part of the masses that gathered over two thousand years ago to watch our Savior.

Tomorrow is a day of travel: flying to Cusco to visit Machu Picchu! I can't wait!

All I can say that this mission has changed me. I've had way too many beautiful experiences than I can possibly list, or even describe. And to have spent this glorious transformation with my family! There are no words that can explain how blessed I feel.

 I'll update on Monday with pictures from Machu Picchu.

Dios te bendiga :)

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