17 July 2012

{summer lovin'}

What an amazing summer it's been. I have so much to write about! Everything kicked off with two huge graduations: Laura from ASU and Lorenzo from NDHS. Both were equally spectacular.

For Laura's graduation her mom surprised her by renting out a penthouse in Tempe! We swam all day and had all of our friends over that night for a magnificent celebration. A couple weeks later the whole Fino clan drove/flew/hitchhiked/etc. to Los Angeles for Lorenzo's grad party. I am so proud of both of them! Major milestones that they've both accomplished.

Flash forward a couple weeks: went to Tucson to visit Kelsey before her 21st. Allwaaayyyysss a good time over there and this was no exception. I have to say, for such a quiet town, Tucson has yet to be boring. Oh, the antics we get into, haha.

One week later and BAM! Newport 2012 we have arrived! The parties were insane this year, and the cops had completely cracked down. But that didn't keep us from our jubilee. I can't imagine doing the Fourth anywhere else. It just wouldn't be the same. Some highlights this year include: Ja-mal the banana, D-d-d-d-j Salman, Party With Sluts, bar fights, drunk nights (days), dance parties, chanda-fricken-lier, Sailor Moon, my French boyfriend, Asians, Korean age, taco tuesdays!, and of course, frozen bananas.

Two days after we got back from Newport I finally turned 21! Laura, Em, Riana and I went out to dinner then Laura and I went to have drinks at Sandbar. Oh boy did that turn out to be one EVENTFUL Monday night. The rest of the week we pretty much went out every night.. I love us.

David's birthday was two days after mine and he threw a huge party in LA last weekend for it. Laura and I drove out and surprised him the day of. It was so much fun to go out with all of our friends there. We went to a club called Lure and it turned out Chris Brown had a table right next to us! Kindof pretty exciting/cool haha. Did I mention I did all of this on a sprained ankle? Yah, #twentyWON okay?

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